
Gaspard Nord (Au)

The Gaspard Nord property (5 claims and 280 ha) is located about 6 km West of the Anik property in the Chapais- Chibougamau area. The area is easily accessible by well-maintained logging roads. The property is situated in the center of a high-mining potential area proven by the numerous gold showings and deposits in the area. Located only a few kilometers away, the Nelligan project (IAMGold/Vanstar Mining), Monster Lake (IAMGold/TomaGold), Philibert (Soquem), Lac Surprise (Northern Superior) and Anik (Kintavar Exploration) projects as well as the old Joe Mann mine. The geological settings are very much like the ones observed on the Anik property and it is located in the western extension of the sedimentary units that define the Nelligan project and in the Opawica-Guercheville major deformation corridor. It mainly contains sedimentary rocks from the Caopatina formation and some mafic volcanic units from the Obatogamau formation. The Kink zone was discovered in 2010 by a grab sample that returned 0.52 g/t Au (SIGEOM data). Some historical drill holes from the 80’s returned 4.19 g/t Au over 1.3 m, 4.0 g/t Au over 2 m and 11.3 g/t Au over 0.3 m (SIGÉOM data). The orogenic gold shear zone type mineralization is associated with quartz-carbonate veins in sedimentary units.

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