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A select assortment of posts for your enjoyment.

Wabash Project – 2020 Field Exploration and Trenching Program

Check out these pictures from our 2020 exploration programs!

Fly Around MITCHI in Google Earth

Kintavar Exploration is a Canadian mineral exploration Corporation engaged in the acquisition, assessment, exploration and development of gold and base metal mineral properties. Its flagship project is the Mitchi property (approx. 30,000 hectares, 100% owned) located west of the Mitchinamecus reservoir, 100 km north of the town of Mont-Laurier. The property covers an area of more than 300 km2 accessible by a network of logging and gravel roads with a hydro-electric power substation located 14 km to the east. The property is located in the north-western portion of the central metasedimentary belt of the Grenville geological province. Many gold, copper, silver and/or manganese mineralized showings have been identified to date, with many characteristics suggesting of a sediment-hosted stratiform copper type mineralization (SSC) in the Eastern portion of the property and Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) and skarn type mineralization in the Western portion. Osisko holds a 2% NSR on 27 claims of the southern portion of the Mitchi property, outside of the sedimentary basin. Kintavar also has exposure in the gold greenstones of Quebec by advancing the Anik Gold Project in a partnership with IAMGOLD.

Trenching at Wabash Copper Silver Discovery

Check out this video of our crew trenching at the Wabash project. This was a discovery for us in 2020 with new copper and...

Mitchi Geology

Learn more about The Mitchi Copper project in Mont-Laurier, Quebec.

Andy Home @AndyHomeMetals “… yet”

"That’s not to say copper and the other base metals couldn’t tumble further in price. China’s full economic recovery is going to take time. Citi, for example, expects “economic stagnation” in the first quarter, “some improvement” in the second and a “much stronger” second half prompted by stimulus. The country’s internal metal dynamics have been massively disrupted and short-term stresses are clear. Producers have largely managed to keep operating over the last month even while many downstream manufacturers have remained closed. This has led to ballooning inventories of metal and calls for government help. Physical supply-chain dislocation could yet bite copper if China’s import flows are redirected towards LME warehouses, even if briefly. Citi analysts think copper could lurch lower to $5,200 over the next couple of months before a China-led recovery picks up steam in the second half of the year. That’s a relatively benign bear forecast relative to what’s just happened to the oil price and stock markets. Each of those had its own specific drivers. China is copper’s driver right now, and the good “Doctor” seems to be hopeful about the country’s recovery prospects."

Copper M&A Update Report — Copper Projects Review 2020

M&A opportunities limited: However, we also showed that the opportunities for M&A were limited because: many copper companies that are potential takeover targets have difficult shareholding structures; the number of quality asset disposals from existing copper producers is likely to be a lot lower than in the past; and there are a limited number of late-stage development copper projects with resources of greater than 3.0Mt contained copper that are likely candidates to be acquired.

Kintavar Attends VRIC2020

Thanks to Cambridge House for organizing the 25th annual Vancouver Resource Investment Conference. It was our pleasure to exhibit alongside GeoMegA Resources. Congratulations to Cambridge House for another successful event. Well done! See pictures of our booth in a quiet moment on the morning of the first day before the conference opened.


Mineralization from surface Simple & efficient exploration model 矿化结构始于地表 简单高效的勘探模式

Kintavar at GCFF 温哥华资源投资会展

"As the price of gold renews interest in investing in natural resources, Chinese investors in Canada are now looking for mineral and energy investments in their portfolios. The 2020 GCFF Vancouver Resources Investment Conference will bring together one of Canada's fastest-growing Chinese investor communities and bring investment opportunities in the metals and minerals sectors."



With Copper Stocks Tapped Out, Banks See a 2020 Price Spike,...

Copper’s tight supply situation was masked by the trade tensions, according to Darwei Kung, head of commodities at DWS Investment Management Americas Inc., who is bullish on the metal. Now with a preliminary truce between the countries, copper is looking “positive” this year, he said.

On the move at Mitchi, 2019-12 Drilling at SHERLOCK

We stopped for the holidays, but when the guys come back in January and we’re waiting for results, they are going to go to the ELEMENTARY zone.