Google Map of the Mitchi Copper-Silver Project

The Mitchi property (approx. 30,000 hectares, 100% owned) located west of the Mitchinamecus reservoir, 100 km north of the town of Mont-Laurier. The property covers an area of more than 300 km2 accessible by a network of logging and gravel roads with a hydro-electric power substation located 14 km to the east.

“C’est comme ça que tout a commencé”, Kiril Mugerman sur StockPulse

"In our case, we were the first company “pre- Resource Estimate” where the CDPQ took a position more than 10%."

“Metallogeny of the Grenville Province revisited” Michel Gauthier & Francis Chartrand,...

Read the abstract to "Metallogeny of the Grenville Province revisited" Michel Gauthier & Francis Chartrand, 2011.

“Our drilling angle was completely wrong.” Kiril Mugerman on StockPulse

"First of all, volumes are easier to add up when everything is horizontal than vertical, drilling-wise. Second, our drilling angle was completely wrong. All the drill holes that we drilled in November and December are all vertical."