Drill Core in A Box at SHERLOCK, 2019-12

Drill Core in A Box at SHERLOCK, 2019-12 Watch a video of drilling at our Mitchi project in December 2019, Read...

Watch the Drill Turn at SHERLOCK, 2019-12

"As you go through the same horizon again and again over a hole 120 metres deep, you just drill through the same fold several times. That was the first interpretation we got something really interesting."

View from the Drill Rig, SHERLOCK 2019-12

"This is what we are trying to explain to the market. It will be much easier with the grades coming out as of January to understand a geological mining model with those horizontal layers of marble."

Drilling at SHERLOCK, 2019-12

This is not in the swampy Abitibi territory where you can drill mostly in the winter. Here, you can drill anytime you want. Obviously, you cannot drill from the lakes in the summer but, ground-wise, it’s very stable and solid ground. You have very little swampy area that cannot be accessed in the summer.