Kintavar at GCFF 温哥华资源投资会展

"As the price of gold renews interest in investing in natural resources, Chinese investors in Canada are now looking for mineral and energy investments in their portfolios. The 2020 GCFF Vancouver Resources Investment Conference will bring together one of Canada's fastest-growing Chinese investor communities and bring investment opportunities in the metals and minerals sectors."



With Copper Stocks Tapped Out, Banks See a 2020 Price Spike,...

Copper’s tight supply situation was masked by the trade tensions, according to Darwei Kung, head of commodities at DWS Investment Management Americas Inc., who is bullish on the metal. Now with a preliminary truce between the countries, copper is looking “positive” this year, he said.

On the move at Mitchi, 2019-12 Drilling at SHERLOCK

We stopped for the holidays, but when the guys come back in January and we’re waiting for results, they are going to go to the ELEMENTARY zone.