Kintavar intersects 45m @ 0.45% Cu and 23m @ 0.57% Cu;...

“The Sherlock zone continues to deliver thickness, grade and size. The interpretation from the structural work in summer of 2019 has been confirmed with this drilling program as we can see in both the long section and the cross section presented. Every single drill hole to date from this program successfully intersected the mineralized unit. We are very encouraged by this and look forward to putting the entire picture together with the upcoming remaining results.” comments Kiril Mugerman, President & CEO of Kintavar.

Copper Research by Colin Hamilton, BMO

"As the graph shows, copper is trading below its long term price floor based on the global production cost curve with 14% of copper operations around the world losing money at today’s price. Of all commodities, the 90th percentile of the cost curve – some $5,200 a tonne at the moment – has worked as a support level best in copper..."


"Kintavar Exploration is a Canadian mineral exploration Corporation engaged in the acquisition, assessment, exploration and development of gold and base metal mineral properties. It’s flagship project is the Mitchi property (approx. 30,000 hectares, 100% owned) located west of the Mitchinamecus reservoir, 100 km north of the town of Mont-Laurier. The property covers an area of more than 300 km2 accessible by a network of logging and gravel roads with a hydro-electric power substation located 14 km to the east. The property is located in the north-western portion of the central metasedimentary belt of the Grenville geological province. Many gold, copper, silver and/or manganese mineralized showings have been identified to date, with many characteristics suggesting of a sediment-hosted stratiform copper type mineralization (SSC) in the Eastern portion of the property and Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) and skarn type mineralization in the Western portion. Osisko holds a 2% NSR on 27 claims of the southern portion of the Mitchi property, outside of the sedimentary basin."

Andy Home @AndyHomeMetals “… yet”

"That’s not to say copper and the other base metals couldn’t tumble further in price. China’s full economic recovery is going to take time. Citi, for example, expects “economic stagnation” in the first quarter, “some improvement” in the second and a “much stronger” second half prompted by stimulus. The country’s internal metal dynamics have been massively disrupted and short-term stresses are clear. Producers have largely managed to keep operating over the last month even while many downstream manufacturers have remained closed. This has led to ballooning inventories of metal and calls for government help. Physical supply-chain dislocation could yet bite copper if China’s import flows are redirected towards LME warehouses, even if briefly. Citi analysts think copper could lurch lower to $5,200 over the next couple of months before a China-led recovery picks up steam in the second half of the year. That’s a relatively benign bear forecast relative to what’s just happened to the oil price and stock markets. Each of those had its own specific drivers. China is copper’s driver right now, and the good “Doctor” seems to be hopeful about the country’s recovery prospects."